Felix Mitchell, also known as “Felix the Cat,” revolutionized the drug trade in Oakland during the 1970s and 1980s. As the leader of the infamous 69 Mob, he built a multi-million-dollar heroin empire that extended […]
Tag: underworld
“Santo Trafficante Jr: The Mob Boss Who Controlled Florida and Beyond” #mafia #crime #trending
Discover the story of Santo Trafficante Jr., one of the most influential mob bosses in American history. From his rise to power in Tampa to his deep connections in pre-revolutionary Cuba, Trafficante’s criminal empire extended […]
“Carlos Marcello: The Mobster Who Defied the Kennedys” #crime #documentary #shortsvideos
Dive into the life and legacy of Carlos Marcello, the infamous mob boss who ruled over the New Orleans crime family for decades. From his rise to power in organized crime to his battles with […]
Vic Cotroni The Montreal Underworld Boss You Never Knew!!! #crime #mafia #shorts
Dive into the life and legacy of Vincenzo “Vic” Cotroni, the infamous Godfather of Montreal’s underworld. From his early days as an immigrant to becoming the leader of the Cotroni crime family, this video explores […]
“Victor Orena: The Mob Boss Who Ignited a Mafia War” #mobster #mafia #crime
Explore the rise and fall of Victor “Little Vic” Orena, the acting boss of the Colombo crime family whose bid for power ignited one of the bloodiest Mafia wars in New York history. From his […]
Olympic Medalist To Most Wanted $1.5 Billion Drug Lord
What happens when an Olympic dream turns into a life of crime? This is the shocking story of Ryan James Wedding, a former Canadian Olympian turned international drug lord. Once celebrated for his snowboarding skills […]
How the FBI takedown the Mafia in the 1980s
In the 1980s, the Mafia reigned supreme over the streets of New York, controlling everything from unions to illegal businesses. But the FBI, through groundbreaking operations and relentless determination, brought down one of the most […]
Sprawling Sicilian Mafia Boss’s Wife Do It With The Gardener | Movie Recap
Sprawling Sicilian Mafia Boss’s Wife Do It With The Gardener | Movie Recap What happens when a strong man falls in love with a stranger? What if that man is a Mafia boss? Our protagonist […]
Biggest Mafia Meeting Ever Was Hilarious Epic Fail! #shorts #short
Appalachia, New York is famous for the largest mafia meeting ever. State troopers, acting on intelligence, thwarted the plans of Mafia families from across the USA, Italy, and beyond. Upon receiving a tip about suspicious […]
The Insane Truth Behind the Dutch Criminal Who Snitched on the Underworld!
The Insane Truth Behind the Dutch Criminal Who Snitched on the Underworld! The courtroom buzzed with an electric tension as Elias Kaye took the stand. Once the shadowy puppeteer of Amsterdam’s criminal underworld, Elias now […]