Felix Mitchell, also known as “Felix the Cat,” revolutionized the drug trade in Oakland during the 1970s and 1980s. As the leader of the infamous 69 Mob, he built a multi-million-dollar heroin empire that extended […]
Tag: convicted
“Infamous & Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins” #mafia #legend #crime #kraytwins #fyp
Step into the shadowy world of London’s most infamous gangsters—Ronnie and Reggie Kray. From their rise to power in the 1950s to their glamorous yet violent reign over the East End, the Kray twins built […]
“Joe Massino: The Last Don Who Betrayed the Mob” #mobhistory #history #crime #gangster #mafia #fypシ゚
Dive into the story of Joe Massino, the first official mafia boss to break the code of silence and cooperate with authorities. Once known as “The Last Don,” Massino led the Bonanno crime family to […]