The Yakuza are one of the world’s most violent, notorious crime families centered in Japan, and they have been active for just over 400 years! What started out as a group of outcasts during the Edo period in Japan just looking to make ends meet has transformed into a multi billion dollar criminal enterprise with over a dozen illegal operations along with ties to the Japanese corporate and political arenas. For the longest time, the Yakuza were untouchable. Racketeering, drug trafficking, extortion, illegal gambling, sex trade operations, stock market manipulation, the infiltration of the police force, big banks and even the government all done in broad daylight from an officially registered company, with leased office buildings, business cards, and their very own corporate website. This was peak Yakuza. They made billions hiding in plain sight. However, recent times have been very tough on them as the Japanese government and law enforcement have passed a handful of new laws that have cornered the Yakuza. Their rights have been stripped, money and property seized, and they can’t even purchase a new cellphone plan. As a result, their revenues and total membership has drastically declined from their peak in the 1960’s. Is this this end of the Yakuza? Well, let’s find out how all of this happened! Let’s learn about the Yakuza’s timeline: their rise to infamy and descent to irrelevancy?
Yakuza Documentary
To Use The Same Background Music:
0:00 Good For Nothing!
1:04 The Tale of Two Outcasts
3:23 Father and Child – Yakuza Hierarchy
6:40 Yubitsume – Huh???
8:55 Irezumi – Intimidation Through Artistic Creation
10:45 How to Make Money the Yakuza Way!
16:43 The Yakuza Did What??
17:49 Unfortunately, Crime is STILL Crime . . .
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